Your risk manager may need help

In August 2022 it became mandatory for IFMs (ManCos and AIFMs) to integrate Sustainability Risk in their risk management. The modified level 2 directives and regulations concerning UCITS and AIFs specified this new responsibility which is aligned with SFDR and the EU Taxonomy, even if a...

Origo Insights

SFDR Article 6 Opt-out explained

SFDR Article 6 Opt-out explained

Exegesis is usually reserved for religious scholars trying to extract the last drop of meaning from sacred texts. Most of the sacred texts of the ESG are accompanied by detailed instructions on how to understand the words....

A house of cards?

A house of cards?

Lately, the US Federal Reserve has acknowledged having misjudged the timing, size and staying power of inflation and consequently accelerated monetary tightening. Should the broader finance market have a similar moment of...

Crypto winter is coming

Crypto winter is coming

Cryptos have seen significant losses. Readers of this column (blog Mar 2021. Jan 2022) will know that we are not the slightest surprised. We do, however, believe it is necessary to outline how the movements in cryptos are...

Is your pension fund at risk of blowing up your savings?

Is your pension fund at risk of blowing up your savings?

Into a portfolio squeeze, eye’s wide shut? Liquidity risk to investors balance sheet is on the rise. Should inflation stay sticky and Central banks accelerate monetary withdrawal - will investors then find themselves in a...

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We offer skill in five different specialty areas, based on a combination of technical competence and long experience

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We assist wealth owners and  professional asset managers in shaping their readiness for the future – and in thinking sharply


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L-1724 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

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